Monday, August 13, 2007

Eye-brow embroidery

(Nice brow. huh! Marvellous thing it does for me although wearing no traces of makeup as in this pic)

This is taken after i have done eyebrow embroidery, a newer technology then my mom's generation of 'tattoo-like' eyebrow which looks very fake.

Cost me RM 250, but since i had been 'craving' for one since i was pregnant with Elly, and then thought 'Hey, what the heck, Just Do It!' and saves me time on drawing and 'perfecting' my fine and almost invisible eyebrow.

The process of embroidery or simply said, putting the 'paint' into the skin took about 20 minutes. Some friends who have done it say it was very painful but still do it for the sake of beauty. Funny but for me, i dont quite feel the pain. Maybe as a Mommy now, there is no 'pain' like labor pain and I survived!

Mommy's Club

More and more of my friends have been 'promoted' to become 'Mommy', the highest post, with lowest/no pay in the world. If we can measure the kind of work a Mommy does, we shall earn more than a CEO pay! And yet, most of us not only manage to take care of the infants, the home and spend 8-10 waking hours in the office working.

Wow.. when i think back all the things that we can do, it amaze me. So fret not friends, the next time you have a bad hair day, at office or at home, simply because 'Mothers are simply great'! A little mishaps here and there are acceptable.

After reading sharings by Nicole, yeap, i agree, race for 'material' possession does not matter anymore. A smile, a hug or a cheer from the lil' ones makes us happier then striking the lottery.

The World Is Flat

Am reading a book titled 'The World Is Flat' by Thomas Friedman. It's really a good book i recommend for those who want to know more about what is happening to our world, flatten by new discoveries and technologies.

How India and China has wake up from 'sleeping' and boost the economy, how incident of 119 (fall of Berlin wall) and 911(fall of WTC) has changed the world and etc etc

And now i can communicate with all of you regardless of where you are, even as far as Timbuktu! So lucky to live in this era and i begin to imagine the world of tomorrow where my girls will live in, with more new insights and changes.

Instilling more sense of Appreciation

I am not the type of person who can ‘sweet-talk’. To me, perhaps due to upbringing and some traits in me, I always feel that no need to show ‘appreciation so often’, the other party will know and feel the ‘goodness’ if it is the truth.

But now I realized how a little ‘appreciation’ will go a long way. Not only it will brighten someone’s day when we show our expression, it make ourselves feel good too.

So, will try to let more people that know me how much I appreciate them. And if you know me and is more than an acquaintance, let me tell you that I appreciate having you in my life too!

4 glasses of water

Japanese practises drinking 4 glasses of water first thing in the morning. This new habit will cure many sicknesses and as for me, according to the findings, keeping the habit for 10 days consequently will cure my constipation problem.

I am in my 4th day and my constipation or IBS(Irregular Bowel Syndrome) – a new term that I read in a book, seems to get better. Hopefully by the 10th day, it’s all back to normal, and normal means everyday.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


In less than a month, it's my country 50th anniversary of independence. We called it 'Merdeka'(independent). Bought a mini flag for Elly and will share with her more about Merdeka. Might be too young for her to understand the true meaning..:)

Wish all Malaysians a happy Merdeka!

20 min in the Gym

I have been frequenting the gym for the 6th day and as i shared earlier i need to stick to it for 21 days in order to direct my brain to stick to this new habit. Initially, i was panting and breathless although only 10 min on the stationary bike.

This week, got slightly better and can complete the 20 min that i set. Plan to do it longer as fat onlygot burn when we do an exercise at least 20 min. Time management gets more important as i need to ensure that i finish my work before rushing to the gym for a 20 min workout.

Hope this regimen can help me to shred the kilos, make my tummy flatter and the lower abdomen 'fitter'. Ganbatte... ganbatte..ganbatte!

Improve my Health

After delivering Emmy, i start to do a 'personal scan' of the condition of my health. These are the findings and i make a pledge to improve the condition by end of the year.

Problematic area:
1.Bad constipation
2.High BMI of 28.5 (to count it, take your weight-kg divided by height-meter square
3.Oily scalp causing dandruff
4.Growing moles (black and brown) on my face

Remedies for the above includes:
1.Drink 4 glasses of water first thing in the morning, drink prune juice, eat more fruits
2.Reduce calorie intake, oily food and less food during dinner
currently able to reduce BMI to 27.3, target is 19.5 (Ganbatte!)
3.Will purchase Head and Shoulders the next time i go shopping
4.No solution at the moment, maybe some 'mini laser' ...(avoid it turn cancerous)

Keeping a New Habit

Recently, started to develop a few new habits. Accordings to findings, in order to keep a new habit and make it stay with us forever, we need to keep it for 21 days and by then, eventually it become part of us already.

My new habits:
1. Wake up 1/2 hour early for some 'personal time'

2.20 min in gym 4 times a week (My workplace has a gym so i can easily stick to it)

3.Drink 4 glasses (4 x 160 ml) water every morning before food

4.Read at least a book once a month

5.Stand instead of sit, walk instead of stand, run instead of walk

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Great Books

Have been reading some great books in the month of July which are worth sharing

1.Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom

Story was about Eddie who died and went up to heaven and meet 5 people, each with a lesson for Eddie, a stranger, his commando, his dad, his wife and a young girl that he saved that cost his life.

2.For One More Day by Mitch Albom

Story was about who spent another day in his life with his Mom who had passed away. Sounds bizarre huh! But the narration was simple and nice.

3.How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job by Dale Carnegie

This is book that i called 'Self-Help'. Learnt many true and tested ways to enjoy my life and my my job more interesting and most important, how to 'enjoy' my job. Spending most of my day in the office, learning to enjoy my job add colors to my life.

4.Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

Are you and your other-half/children/friends are speaking the same love language? Just like English, Mandarin or Italian, there are actually 5 different love languages to be discovered. Acts of service, affirmation of words, physical touch, quality time and gifts of love. Improve my relationship with my loved ones.