Monday, August 13, 2007

Mommy's Club

More and more of my friends have been 'promoted' to become 'Mommy', the highest post, with lowest/no pay in the world. If we can measure the kind of work a Mommy does, we shall earn more than a CEO pay! And yet, most of us not only manage to take care of the infants, the home and spend 8-10 waking hours in the office working.

Wow.. when i think back all the things that we can do, it amaze me. So fret not friends, the next time you have a bad hair day, at office or at home, simply because 'Mothers are simply great'! A little mishaps here and there are acceptable.

After reading sharings by Nicole, yeap, i agree, race for 'material' possession does not matter anymore. A smile, a hug or a cheer from the lil' ones makes us happier then striking the lottery.

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