Friday, March 27, 2009

SK II DermDefinition Essence Film

I had the opportunity to try the latest SK II's product, Derm Definition Essence Film. Thought that i can get the sample and use it at home with my own mask, but the sales lady mentioned that the demo with the essence film must be done at the SKII counter.

So instead of trying the essence film on my spots on the face, i tried it on my right hand, making me felt my precious hand after the 15 minute treatment. Well, because my right hand was 'rich' with SKII essence, serum and moisturisers ..:) Miraculously, just like the 'Miracle water', the film melted under the SKII mask after 15 minutes leaving my skin soft and supple. Until now, i can feel the softness. The 'power' of the essence film is equivalent to 7 drops of DermDefinition serum, making it a very concentrated 'cure' to lighten spots.

Various steps were included with various usage of SKII products which would be summarised in the photo I managed to capture from its official site. Enjoy and head towards the nearest SKII counters to have a feel of this latest product.

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