Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Great Books

Have been reading some great books in the month of July which are worth sharing

1.Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom

Story was about Eddie who died and went up to heaven and meet 5 people, each with a lesson for Eddie, a stranger, his commando, his dad, his wife and a young girl that he saved that cost his life.

2.For One More Day by Mitch Albom

Story was about who spent another day in his life with his Mom who had passed away. Sounds bizarre huh! But the narration was simple and nice.

3.How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job by Dale Carnegie

This is book that i called 'Self-Help'. Learnt many true and tested ways to enjoy my life and my my job more interesting and most important, how to 'enjoy' my job. Spending most of my day in the office, learning to enjoy my job add colors to my life.

4.Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

Are you and your other-half/children/friends are speaking the same love language? Just like English, Mandarin or Italian, there are actually 5 different love languages to be discovered. Acts of service, affirmation of words, physical touch, quality time and gifts of love. Improve my relationship with my loved ones.

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